Artist page

Take a look at the trajectory of Sergi Masip (me) thorughout his (my) career 👀


PhD in Continual Learning

KU Leuven • 2024-Ongoing

The goal of my PhD project is to study and develop continual learning algorithms with a focus on edge devices.

Master's Degree in Computer Vision

UAB, UPC, UPF, UOC • 2022-2023

GPA: 9.21/10. Top 3. Awarded with the Best Master Project mention. I conducted my Master's Thesis in the lab of Tinne Tuytelaars at KU Leuven under the Erasmus+ Traineeship program.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • 2018-2022

GPA: 9.21/10 (yeah, the same as in my Master's!). Top 1%. 21 subjects out of 34 completed with special distinction.


Research Assistantship

Mila - Quebec AI Institute • 11/2023 – 03/2024

I worked on a project for bias mitigation of classifiers using diffusion models under the supervision of Adriana Romero.

Research Internship

Computer Vision Center, Barcelona • 07/2022 – 09/2022

I developed a synthetic comics dataset generator in Python to train segmentation models like MaskerRCNN or DocSegTr in panel segmentation, achieving results comparable to the current state of the art without fine-tuning.

Research Internship

Computer Vision Center, Barcelona • 09/2021 – 12/2021

I worked with the Facebook AI Research’s MMF framework for Visual Question Answering tasks and used a YOLO-based model for Text Retrieval in videos.

Full Stack Web Developer

EQTic, Sant Cugat • 06/2019 – 09/2019

I developed an internal application from scratch using Django for managing markdown documents and created an IoT-related application using NODE-RED to control an industrial device.

Full Stack Web Developer

EQTic, Sant Cugat • 10/2017 – 09/2018

I migrated a web application from Spring (Java) to Django (Python), developed new front-end pages, and improved backend functionalities based on client needs.


Best Master Project Mention

Master in Computer Vision • 09/2023

Top 3 in the Ranking

Master in Computer Vision • 09/2023

Bachelor's Degree Extraordinary Award

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • 07/2022

Awarded to the Top 2% students in a cohort of around 200 students.

AI Coliseum Finalist (3rd Position)

AI Coliseum 2021 • 08/2021

Accomplished third position individually among 16 participating teams of up to 4 members in an artificial intelligence competition in Java open to everyone.


Gido van de Ven

Postdoc Researcher, KU Leuven

Gido served as my Master's Thesis co-supervisor.

Pau Rodríguez Lopez

Research Scientist, Apple, ELLIS

Pau served as my Master's Thesis co-supervisor.